The Child and Family Guidance Center has developed the following publications to help you with locating social services within your community. All listing are for free or low cost services and are located in Los Angeles County.
Featured Resources
Showing all 7 results
The Housing Resource Directory provides information about emergency shelters, transitional housing, vouchers and low-income/affordable apartments in the greater Los Angeles area.
Emergency Shelter: Any facility with overnight sleeping accommodations, the primary purpose of which is to provide temporary shelter. The length of stay can range from one night up to as much as 3 months.
Transitional Housing: A type of housing for homeless families that allows them to stay for a longer period of time. Transitional housing usually offers services designed to help clients live on their own such as case management, life skills, mental health counseling, and childcare.
Voucher: A voucher generally refers to a Section 8 voucher provided by a local Housing Authority to a low-income person but can also refer to an emergency voucher for short-term motel stay for a homeless person.
Low-income/Affordable Apartments: Affordable housing is typically aimed at low and moderate-income households that are burdened by the high housing costs. There is usually a long wait-list at each apartment complex with low-income units, but it is recommended to sign up for the wait-list.
*Directory provided in an email.
Términos Importantes
Albergue de Emergencia: Cualquier localidad que tenga lugar para pasar la noche, donde la primera función es proporcionar albergue temporario. La estancia puede ser de una noche hasta 3 meses.
Alojamiento Transitorio: Es un tipo de alojamiento para personas sin hogar que les permite quedarse por mayor cantidad de tiempo. El alojamiento transitorio generalmente ofrece servicios designados para ayudar a las personas a conseguir alojamiento permanente a través de un trabajador social, servicios de salud mental, cuidado de niños, etc.
Recibo (Voucher): El recibo o voucher generalmente se refiere al recibo que otorga la Sección 8 del departamento local de la Autoridad de Viviendas (Housing Authority) a personas de bajos ingresos. También el recibo o voucher puede ser otorgado a personas sin hogar para la estadía a corto plazo en un hotel.
Apartamentos para personas de bajos ingresos: Hay ciertos apartamentos dedicados para personas de bajos o moderados ingresos. Generalmente la lista de espera es de uno a dos años para estos apartamentos, pero recomendamos llenar una aplicación y ponerse en la lista de espera.
*Directory provided in an email.
The Mental Health and Substance Abuse Directory will provide you with information about agencies in the San Fernando Valley of the greater Los Angeles area that provide mental health services. Some of the agencies provide services for children, adolescents and adults and accept Medi-Cal Insurance. Other agencies do not accept Medi-Cal but have a fee for service sliding scale.
If you have, or believe you may have a mental health or substance abuse issue, it can be helpful to talk about it with others. It can be scary to reach out for help, but it is often the first step to helping you heal, grow, and recover. Having a good support system and reaching out to trustworthy people are key elements to live a more meaningful life.
Please contact the agency directly to obtain more information about services and eligibility requirements.
*Directory provided in an email.
*List provided in an email.
FREE Responding to Children’s Reactions to Disasters
*Guide book provided in an email.
Términos Importantes
Albergue de Emergencia: Cualquier localidad que tenga lugar para pasar la noche, donde la primera función es proporcionar albergue temporario. La estancia puede ser de una noche hasta 3 meses.
Alojamiento Transitorio: Es un tipo de alojamiento para personas sin hogar que les permite quedarse por mayor cantidad de tiempo. El alojamiento transitorio generalmente ofrece servicios designados para ayudar a las personas a conseguir alojamiento permanente a través de un trabajador social, servicios de salud mental, cuidado de niños, etc.
Recibo (Voucher): El recibo o voucher generalmente se refiere al recibo que otorga la Sección 8 del departamento local de la Autoridad de Viviendas (Housing Authority) a personas de bajos ingresos. También el recibo o voucher puede ser otorgado a personas sin hogar para la estadía a corto plazo en un hotel.
Apartamentos para personas de bajos ingresos: Hay ciertos apartamentos dedicados para personas de bajos o moderados ingresos. Generalmente la lista de espera es de uno a dos años para estos apartamentos, pero recomendamos llenar una aplicación y ponerse en la lista de espera.
*Directory provided in an email.
The Mental Health and Substance Abuse Directory will provide you with information about agencies in the San Fernando Valley of the greater Los Angeles area that provide mental health services. Some of the agencies provide services for children, adolescents and adults and accept Medi-Cal Insurance. Other agencies do not accept Medi-Cal but have a fee for service sliding scale.
If you have, or believe you may have a mental health or substance abuse issue, it can be helpful to talk about it with others. It can be scary to reach out for help, but it is often the first step to helping you heal, grow, and recover. Having a good support system and reaching out to trustworthy people are key elements to live a more meaningful life.
Please contact the agency directly to obtain more information about services and eligibility requirements.
*Directory provided in an email.
All Resources
Showing all 46 results
El siguiente directorio proporciona información sobre el cuidado de niños en el Valle de San Fernando. Estos centros proporcionan servicios a niños de 0-5 años de edad.
*Directory provided in an email.
The Child Care Resource Directory provides basic referral information for childcare centers in the San Fernando Valley greater Los Angeles area. These centers serve infants and toddlers up to 5 years old. This directory does not list all the preschool programs available in the Valley, only the organizations that provide scholarships or subsidized programs.
*Directory provided in an email.
The Domestic Violence Resource Directory provides information on how to get help from crisis hotlines, emergency shelters, financial, legal and mental health organizations in the greater Los Angeles area. This directory is intended to connect families to the services that they need, since every person has the right to be safe.
*Directory provided in an email.
El Directorio sobre la Violencia Doméstica provee información acerca de cómo obtener ayuda en caso necesario ofreciendo líneas telefónicas de emergencia, albergues transitorios, ayuda monetaria, legal, y organizaciones de salud mental. Este directorio ha sido creado con la intención de conectar familias con servicios que necesiten en la comunidad, debido a que toda persona tiene el derecho de sentirse segura.
*Directory provided in an email.
The Emergency Resource Directory will assist you in emergency situations by providing the right phone numbers to call according to the type of emergency that you are experiencing, such as, medical, psychiatric, child abuse, sexual assault and domestic violence in the greater Los Angeles area.
According to the English dictionary emergency means, “ a sudden, urgent, usually unexpected occurrence or occasion that requires immediate action.” An emergency is a situation that poses an immediate risk to health, life, property, or environment. When an emergency arises you may be injured or stressed and unable to think clearly.
Please remember that in a life threatening situation you should call 9-1-1 for immediate assistance.
*Directory provided in an email.
De acuerdo al diccionario de la lengua Española, emergencia significa: “situación de peligro o desastre que requiere una acción inmediata”. Una emergencia es una situación que posee un riesgo inmediato a la salud, vida, propiedad o al contorno ambiental. Cuando una emergencia ocurre usted puede que este herido o estresado y que no pueda pensar con claridad.Este directorio lo ayudará en esas situaciones dándole los números de teléfono apropiados de acuerdo al tipo de emergencia que usted esta experimentando, ya sea una emergencia medica, psiquiátrica, abuso de niños, asalto sexual, o violencia domestica.
Por favor recuerde que si es una situación donde la vida esta en riesgo llame al 9-1-1 para una atención inmediata.
*Directory provided in an email.
The Food and Clothing Resource Directory provides information on how to get food, cash aid and clothing from government programs and community services in the greater Los Angeles area. This directory is intended to connect families to the services they need since every person has the right to adequate food.
*Directory provided in an email.
El Directorio de Alimentos y Ropa proporciona información de cómo conseguir alimentos, ayuda financiera y ropa de programas del gobierno y servicios en la comunidad. La intensión de este directorio es conectar a las familias con los servicios que ellas más necesitan, teniendo en cuenta que toda persona tiene el derecho a tener una adecuada alimentación.
*Directory provided in an email.
The Transitional Foster Youth Resource Directory provides information about programs and services for youth and young adults who are emancipating from the foster care system in the greater Los Angeles area. Most services that are available for foster youth are offered by the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) and other contracted agencies. Foster youth who are interested in accessing these support services should contact their DCFS worker directly.
*Directory provided in an email.
The Housing Resource Directory provides information about emergency shelters, transitional housing, vouchers and low-income/affordable apartments in the greater Los Angeles area.
Emergency Shelter: Any facility with overnight sleeping accommodations, the primary purpose of which is to provide temporary shelter. The length of stay can range from one night up to as much as 3 months.
Transitional Housing: A type of housing for homeless families that allows them to stay for a longer period of time. Transitional housing usually offers services designed to help clients live on their own such as case management, life skills, mental health counseling, and childcare.
Voucher: A voucher generally refers to a Section 8 voucher provided by a local Housing Authority to a low-income person but can also refer to an emergency voucher for short-term motel stay for a homeless person.
Low-income/Affordable Apartments: Affordable housing is typically aimed at low and moderate-income households that are burdened by the high housing costs. There is usually a long wait-list at each apartment complex with low-income units, but it is recommended to sign up for the wait-list.
*Directory provided in an email.
Términos Importantes
Albergue de Emergencia: Cualquier localidad que tenga lugar para pasar la noche, donde la primera función es proporcionar albergue temporario. La estancia puede ser de una noche hasta 3 meses.
Alojamiento Transitorio: Es un tipo de alojamiento para personas sin hogar que les permite quedarse por mayor cantidad de tiempo. El alojamiento transitorio generalmente ofrece servicios designados para ayudar a las personas a conseguir alojamiento permanente a través de un trabajador social, servicios de salud mental, cuidado de niños, etc.
Recibo (Voucher): El recibo o voucher generalmente se refiere al recibo que otorga la Sección 8 del departamento local de la Autoridad de Viviendas (Housing Authority) a personas de bajos ingresos. También el recibo o voucher puede ser otorgado a personas sin hogar para la estadía a corto plazo en un hotel.
Apartamentos para personas de bajos ingresos: Hay ciertos apartamentos dedicados para personas de bajos o moderados ingresos. Generalmente la lista de espera es de uno a dos años para estos apartamentos, pero recomendamos llenar una aplicación y ponerse en la lista de espera.
*Directory provided in an email.
The LGBTQ Resource Directory provides information for youth and their parents in the greater Los Angeles area. Unlike their heterosexual peers, LGBTQ youth often encounter barriers in accessing traditional support systems and resources. This directory contains information about LGBTQ affirming sources of educational materials, medical and dental providers, mental health services, parent and youth support services, runaway and homeless support, and much more. These resources are specific to the San Fernando Valley and some parts of communities in Los Angeles County.
*Directory provided in an email.
Supporting your LGBTQ Youth (pdf)
A diferencia de sus compañeros heterosexuales, la juventud LGBT muchas veces encuentra barreras para acceder a los sistemas tradicionales de apoyo y a recursos. Este directorio contiene información acerca de fuentes de materiales educacionales que apoyan LGBT, proveedores médicos y dentales, servicios de salud mental, servicios de apoyo para padres y jóvenes, servicios de apoyo para jóvenes que abandonan sus hogares, y mucho más. Estos recursos son específicos del área del Valle de San Fernando y de algunas partes del Condado de Los Ángeles.
*Directory provided in an email.
El Directorio de Servicios de Salud Mental, Alcohol y Drogas provee información acerca de agencias en el Valle de San Fernando que proveen servicios de salud mental.
*Directory provided in an email.
The Mental Health and Substance Abuse Directory will provide you with information about agencies in the San Fernando Valley of the greater Los Angeles area that provide mental health services. Some of the agencies provide services for children, adolescents and adults and accept Medi-Cal Insurance. Other agencies do not accept Medi-Cal but have a fee for service sliding scale.
If you have, or believe you may have a mental health or substance abuse issue, it can be helpful to talk about it with others. It can be scary to reach out for help, but it is often the first step to helping you heal, grow, and recover. Having a good support system and reaching out to trustworthy people are key elements to live a more meaningful life.
Please contact the agency directly to obtain more information about services and eligibility requirements.
*Directory provided in an email.
The Parent Education Resource Directory provides information about organizations that offer parenting classes and co-parenting that are free or with sliding scale fees in the greater Los Angeles area. This directory was created to provide information about organizations that offer parenting classes and co-parenting that are free or with sliding scale fee. Please contact the agency directly to verify that the class being offered is appropriate to the age of your child. Some classes also meet the requirements of Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) or court ordered classes. We encourage parents of children attending schools in LAUSD to contact their Parent Center for free parenting classes.
*Directory provided in an email.
A continuación encontrara una lista de organizaciones que ofrecen clases de educación para padres gratuitas o con un costo reducido de acuerdo a sus ingresos. Le recomendamos llamar por teléfono a las agencias para comprobar que las clases ofrecidas son apropiadas para la edad de sus hijos. Algunas de las clases reúnen los requisitos pedidos por el Departamento de Niños y Familias (DCFS) y por la corte. También recomendamos a los padres que tienen sus hijos en escuelas del Distrito Escolar de Los Ángeles, que se pongan en contacto con el Centro de Padres de sus escuelas ya que estos ofrecen clases de educación para padres gratuitas.
*Directory provided in an email.
This Services for Children With Special Needs Directory provides a list of organizations that offer resources for parents and caregivers of children with disabilities and special needs in the greater Los Angeles area. Its contains agencies that provide direct services or referrals for assessments, early intervention, assistive technology, employment, support groups, recreation activities, legal support, and much more.
*Directory provided in an email.
The Summer Camps and Recreational Resource Directory provides a list of organizations, in the San Fernando Valley of the greater Los Angeles area, that offers recreational activities for youth. It seems that every year summer comes sooner and sooner… and as parents we are usually not fully prepared for its challenges. All parents would like to see their children active, making friends and interacting with good role models. Our vision in Community Resource Services is that every child enjoys some type of recreational activity during the summer.
It includes programs from Department of Parks and Recreation, Community Colleges, LAUSD, the Boys and Girls Club, YMCA and much more. We have also listed our favorite overnight summer camps: Camp Max Strauss, UCLA UniCamp, and Woodcraft Rangers’ Stanly Ranch Camp.
Este directorio ofrece una lista de organizaciones en el Valle de San Fernando que proveen actividades recreacionales para los jóvenes. Pareciera que los veranos se acercan mas rápido cada año…y generalmente nosotros como padres no estamos preparados para sus demandas. Todos los padres quisieran ver a sus hijos activos, haciendo amigos e interactuando con buenas personas. Nuestra visión en los Servicios de Recursos de la Comunidad es que cada joven disfrute de algún tipo de actividad recreacional durante el verano. Incluye programas del Departamento de Parques y Recreación, Colegios Comunitarios, LAUSD, Boys and Girls Club, YMCA y muchos mas. También hemos incluido nuestros campamentos de veranos favoritos: Camp Max Strauss, UCLA UniCamp, y Woodcraft Rangers’ Stanly Ranch Camp.
*Directory provided in an email.
The Transportation Resource Directory explains public transportation options that are available in the San Fernando Valley area of greater Los Angeles. Transportation is often difficult to find in Los Angeles. Please read the following information carefully since some of the programs have very specific criteria and a two-step application process.
*Directory provided in an email.
El transporte es un tema difícil en la ciudad de Los Ángeles. El siguiente directorio fue desarrollado para explicar las opciones de transporte público que están disponibles en el Valle de San Fernando. Por favor, lea la siguiente información cuidadosamente, ya que algunos de los programas tienen requisitos muy específicos.
*Directory provided in an email.
The Vocational Resource Directory provides employment and training information for youth age 14 to 21 in the greater Los Angeles area. If you have any question, use the directory to call for information or assistance. There are plenty of people ready and willing to help.
*Directory provided in an email.
The Volunteer Opportunities for Adults Resource Directory provides information on the various organizations in the San Fernando Valley greater Los Angeles area offering volunteer opportunities for adults. People often volunteer their time at community organizations for a variety of reasons: to gain work experience; earn school credits; give back to the community; make a difference in someone’s life; or complete community service requirements.
The Volunteer Opportunities for Youth Resource Directory provides information on the various organizations in the San Fernando Valley of greater Los Angeles that offer volunteer opportunities for youth. Youth often volunteer their time at community organizations for a variety of reasons: to gain work experience; earn school credits; give back to the community; make a difference in someone’s life; or complete community service requirements.
*Directory provided in an email.
Este directorio provee información sobre varias organizaciones en el Valle de San Fernando que ofrece trabajos voluntarios para adultos. Mucha gente dedica su tiempo para hacer trabajos voluntarios en organizaciones comunitarias por diferentes razones: para obtener experiencia; para obtener créditos escolares; contribuir a la comunidad; hacer una diferencia positiva en la vida de alguien; o completar los requisitos de servicios comunitarios.
*Directory provided in an email.
The Youth Resource Directory contains information on organizations which can lend a supportive hand, help you pursue an interest, find employment and volunteer work or just have fun in the greater Los Angeles area. The teen years can be exciting, fun, and difficult all at the same time. It is a time to discover who you are, what you believe, and the kind of person you want to be. It’s also a time when there are a lot of hard choices to make about friendships, sex, alcohol, drugs, and school.
If you have a question, reach out! Use the directory to call for information or assistance, and don’t be afraid to ask or say what you need. There are plenty of people ready and willing to help.
*Directory provided in an email.
*List provided in an email.
FREE Responding to Children’s Reactions to Disasters
*Guide book provided in an email.
FREE SANTA CLARITA Resource Directory (E)
The Santa Clarita Valley Directory serves as a key source of integrated information that brings people and services together to meet vital needs. It is our vision that all residents in the Santa Clarita Valley are easily connected to available health and human resources. This directory will provide general information regarding the following subjects: medical and psychiatric emergencies, police departments, mental health services, parenting classes, financial and legal services, and much more.
Please contact Info Line 211 (Dial 2-1-1) if you need more information. Info Line 211 is the Los Angeles County Information and Referral Service that can help with locating resources in your area.
*Directory provided in an email.
The Information and Referral Directory serves as a key source of integrated information that brings people and services together to meet vital needs. It is our vision that all residents in the San Fernando Valley are easily connected to available health and human resources. This directory will provide general information regarding the following subjects: medical and psychiatric emergencies, police departments, mental health services, parenting classes, financial and legal services.
The Information and Referral Directory serves as a key source of integrated information that brings people and services together to meet vital needs. It is our vision that all residents in the San Fernando Valley are easily connected to available health and human resources. This directory will provide general information regarding the following subjects: medical and psychiatric emergencies, police departments, mental health services, parenting classes, financial and legal services.
FREE Transitional Youth Housing Directory (English)
The Child and Family Guidance Center is a LA County Department of Mental Health (DMH) contractor that provides Specialized Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) services to children, transition age youth, and adults utilizing evidence based treatment interventions (EBPs) that are consistent with LAC/DMH Mental Health services Act (MHSA).
The Center also provides families with access to a comprehensive continuum of services depending on the needs of the family ranging from once a week; time limited mental services (PEI) to intensive in-home services that are delivered several times a week with 24-7 availability for crises.
The Community Resource Services is a division dedicated to improving the quality of life for special needs children and their families by helping them to locate, access and effectively use essential community health and social services.
The Autism Resource Directory provides information on the Autism Spectrum Disorder as well as the services and supports required by children, youth and adults with this diagnosis. When parents and caregivers learn that their child has Autism, it can be overwhelming and may generate many questions or concerns. This directory provides a comprehensive list of organizations that can provide assessments, treatment and other important support services that are available in the San Fernando Valley and surrounding communities.
The Child and Family Guidance Center is a LA County Department of Mental Health (DMH) contractor that provides Specialized Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) services to children, transition age youth, and adults utilizing evidence based treatment interventions (EBPs) that are consistent with LAC/DMH Mental Health services Act (MHSA).
The Center also provides families with access to a comprehensive continuum of services depending on the needs of the family ranging from once a week; time limited mental services (PEI) to intensive in-home services that are delivered several times a week with 24-7 availability for crises.
*Directory provided in an email.
FREE COVID-19 Directory (Spanish)
The Child and Family Guidance Center is a LA County Department of Mental Health (DMH) contractor that provides Specialized Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) services to children, transition age youth, and adults utilizing evidence based treatment interventions (EBPs) that are consistent with LAC/DMH Mental Health services Act (MHSA).
The Center also provides families with access to a comprehensive continuum of services depending on the needs of the family ranging from once a week; time limited mental services (PEI) to intensive in-home services that are delivered several times a week with 24-7 availability for crises.
The Community Resource Services is a division dedicated to improving the quality of life for special needs children and their families by helping them to locate, access and effectively use essential community health and social services.
FREE COVID-19 Directory (English)
The Child and Family Guidance Center is a LA County Department of Mental Health (DMH) contractor that provides Specialized Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) services to children, transition age youth, and adults utilizing evidence based treatment interventions (EBPs) that are consistent with LAC/DMH Mental Health services Act (MHSA).
The Center also provides families with access to a comprehensive continuum of services depending on the needs of the family ranging from once a week; time limited mental services (PEI) to intensive in-home services that are delivered several times a week with 24-7 availability for crises.
The Community Resource Services is a division dedicated to improving the quality of life for special needs children and their families by helping them to locate, access and effectively use essential community health and social services.
FREE Wellness Directory (E)
CFGC provides families with access to a comprehensive continuum of services depending on the needs of the family ranging from once a week; time limited mental services (PEI) to intensive in-home services that are delivered several times a week with 24-7 availability for crises.
The Community Resource Services is a division dedicated to improving the quality of life for special needs children and their families by helping them to locate, access and effectively use essential community health and social services.
FREE Wellness Directory (S)
CFGC provides families with access to a comprehensive continuum of services depending on the needs of the family ranging from once a week; time limited mental services (PEI) to intensive in-home services that are delivered several times a week with 24-7 availability for crises.
The Community Resource Services is a division dedicated to improving the quality of life for special needs children and their families by helping them to locate, access and effectively use essential community health and social services.
FREE Tutoring Services Resource Directory (S)
Cuando los niños tienen dificultades en hacer sus tareas, entender lo que leen, o decir que la escuela es difícil, es una manera de decirnos que necesitan ayuda adicional. A veces no somos capaces de ayudarlos nosotros mismos por falta de tiempo, o por las barreras del idioma, pero no estamos solos. Las escuelas hoy ofrecen muchos servicios a los niños, como: programas después de la escuela con ayuda con las tareas, clases de apoyo después de la escuela, ayuda individual de los maestros y muchos más servicios. Si su hijo necesita ayuda adicional, comience por pedir ayuda en la escuela, hable con los maestros, busque clases de tutoría gratuita en su comunidad y proporcione a sus niños con herramientas que harán de la escuela una experiencia de aprendizaje divertida.
FREE Tutoring Services Resource Directory (E)
When children are struggling to finish their homework, understand what they read, or say that
school is hard, it is a way of telling us that they need extra help. Sometimes we are not able to help ourselves because of lack of time, or language barriers, but, we are not alone. Schools today offer many services to children, such us: after school programs with homework help, supportive classes after school, individual help from teachers, and many more. If your child needs some extra help, reach out to the school, talk to teachers, find free tutoring classes in your community, and provide your child with tools that will make school a fun learning experience. -
FREE Career Training Directory for Transitional Age Youth (E)
This directory provides information regarding career training programs for transitional age youth. There are numerous programs, both short-term and long-term, in a wide variety of fields. Many of these programs do not require prior experience or schooling.
The Autism Resource Directory provides information on the Autism Spectrum Disorder as well as the services and supports required by children, youth and adults with this diagnosis. When parents and caregivers learn that their child has Autism, it can be overwhelming and may generate many questions or concerns. This directory provides a comprehensive list of organizations that can provide assessments, treatment and other important support services that are available in the San Fernando Valley and surrounding communities.
The Child and Family Guidance Center is a LA County Department of Mental Health (DMH) contractor that provides Specialized Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) services to children, transition age youth, and adults utilizing evidence based treatment interventions (EBPs) that are consistent with LAC/DMH Mental Health services Act (MHSA).
The Center also provides families with access to a comprehensive continuum of services depending on the needs of the family ranging from once a week; time limited mental services (PEI) to intensive in-home services that are delivered several times a week with 24-7 availability for crises.
*Directory provided in an email.
The Autism Resource Directory provides information on the Autism Spectrum Disorder as well as the services and supports required by children, youth and adults with this diagnosis. When parents and caregivers learn that their child has Autism, it can be overwhelming and may generate many questions or concerns. This directory provides a comprehensive list of organizations that can provide assessments, treatment and other important support services that are available in the San Fernando Valley and surrounding communities.
The Child and Family Guidance Center is a LA County Department of Mental Health (DMH) contractor that provides Specialized Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) services to children, transition age youth, and adults utilizing evidence based treatment interventions (EBPs) that are consistent with LAC/DMH Mental Health services Act (MHSA).
The Center also provides families with access to a comprehensive continuum of services depending on the needs of the family ranging from once a week; time limited mental services (PEI) to intensive in-home services that are delivered several times a week with 24-7 availability for crises.
*Directory provided in an email.
Términos Importantes
Albergue de Emergencia: Cualquier localidad que tenga lugar para pasar la noche, donde la primera función es proporcionar albergue temporario. La estancia puede ser de una noche hasta 3 meses.
Alojamiento Transitorio: Es un tipo de alojamiento para personas sin hogar que les permite quedarse por mayor cantidad de tiempo. El alojamiento transitorio generalmente ofrece servicios designados para ayudar a las personas a conseguir alojamiento permanente a través de un trabajador social, servicios de salud mental, cuidado de niños, etc.
Recibo (Voucher): El recibo o voucher generalmente se refiere al recibo que otorga la Sección 8 del departamento local de la Autoridad de Viviendas (Housing Authority) a personas de bajos ingresos. También el recibo o voucher puede ser otorgado a personas sin hogar para la estadía a corto plazo en un hotel.
Apartamentos para personas de bajos ingresos: Hay ciertos apartamentos dedicados para personas de bajos o moderados ingresos. Generalmente la lista de espera es de uno a dos años para estos apartamentos, pero recomendamos llenar una aplicación y ponerse en la lista de espera.
*Directory provided in an email.
The Mental Health and Substance Abuse Directory will provide you with information about agencies in the San Fernando Valley of the greater Los Angeles area that provide mental health services. Some of the agencies provide services for children, adolescents and adults and accept Medi-Cal Insurance. Other agencies do not accept Medi-Cal but have a fee for service sliding scale.
If you have, or believe you may have a mental health or substance abuse issue, it can be helpful to talk about it with others. It can be scary to reach out for help, but it is often the first step to helping you heal, grow, and recover. Having a good support system and reaching out to trustworthy people are key elements to live a more meaningful life.
Please contact the agency directly to obtain more information about services and eligibility requirements.
*Directory provided in an email.
The Summer Camps and Recreational Resource Directory provides a list of organizations, in the San Fernando Valley of the greater Los Angeles area, that offers recreational activities for youth. It seems that every year summer comes sooner and sooner… and as parents we are usually not fully prepared for its challenges. All parents would like to see their children active, making friends and interacting with good role models. Our vision in Community Resource Services is that every child enjoys some type of recreational activity during the summer.
It includes programs from Department of Parks and Recreation, Community Colleges, LAUSD, the Boys and Girls Club, YMCA and much more. We have also listed our favorite overnight summer camps: Camp Max Strauss, UCLA UniCamp, and Woodcraft Rangers’ Stanly Ranch Camp.