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Términos Importantes
Albergue de Emergencia: Cualquier localidad que tenga lugar para pasar la noche, donde la primera función es proporcionar albergue temporario. La estancia puede ser de una noche hasta 3 meses.
Alojamiento Transitorio: Es un tipo de alojamiento para personas sin hogar que les permite quedarse por mayor cantidad de tiempo. El alojamiento transitorio generalmente ofrece servicios designados para ayudar a las personas a conseguir alojamiento permanente a través de un trabajador social, servicios de salud mental, cuidado de niños, etc.
Recibo (Voucher): El recibo o voucher generalmente se refiere al recibo que otorga la Sección 8 del departamento local de la Autoridad de Viviendas (Housing Authority) a personas de bajos ingresos. También el recibo o voucher puede ser otorgado a personas sin hogar para la estadía a corto plazo en un hotel.
Apartamentos para personas de bajos ingresos: Hay ciertos apartamentos dedicados para personas de bajos o moderados ingresos. Generalmente la lista de espera es de uno a dos años para estos apartamentos, pero recomendamos llenar una aplicación y ponerse en la lista de espera.
*Directory provided in an email.
Términos Importantes
Albergue de Emergencia: Cualquier localidad que tenga lugar para pasar la noche, donde la primera función es proporcionar albergue temporario. La estancia puede ser de una noche hasta 3 meses.
Alojamiento Transitorio: Es un tipo de alojamiento para personas sin hogar que les permite quedarse por mayor cantidad de tiempo. El alojamiento transitorio generalmente ofrece servicios designados para ayudar a las personas a conseguir alojamiento permanente a través de un trabajador social, servicios de salud mental, cuidado de niños, etc.
Recibo (Voucher): El recibo o voucher generalmente se refiere al recibo que otorga la Sección 8 del departamento local de la Autoridad de Viviendas (Housing Authority) a personas de bajos ingresos. También el recibo o voucher puede ser otorgado a personas sin hogar para la estadía a corto plazo en un hotel.
Apartamentos para personas de bajos ingresos: Hay ciertos apartamentos dedicados para personas de bajos o moderados ingresos. Generalmente la lista de espera es de uno a dos años para estos apartamentos, pero recomendamos llenar una aplicación y ponerse en la lista de espera.
*Directory provided in an email.
The Housing Resource Directory provides information about emergency shelters, transitional housing, vouchers and low-income/affordable apartments in the greater Los Angeles area.
Emergency Shelter: Any facility with overnight sleeping accommodations, the primary purpose of which is to provide temporary shelter. The length of stay can range from one night up to as much as 3 months.
Transitional Housing: A type of housing for homeless families that allows them to stay for a longer period of time. Transitional housing usually offers services designed to help clients live on their own such as case management, life skills, mental health counseling, and childcare.
Voucher: A voucher generally refers to a Section 8 voucher provided by a local Housing Authority to a low-income person but can also refer to an emergency voucher for short-term motel stay for a homeless person.
Low-income/Affordable Apartments: Affordable housing is typically aimed at low and moderate-income households that are burdened by the high housing costs. There is usually a long wait-list at each apartment complex with low-income units, but it is recommended to sign up for the wait-list.
*Directory provided in an email.
The Mental Health and Substance Abuse Directory will provide you with information about agencies in the San Fernando Valley of the greater Los Angeles area that provide mental health services. Some of the agencies provide services for children, adolescents and adults and accept Medi-Cal Insurance. Other agencies do not accept Medi-Cal but have a fee for service sliding scale.
If you have, or believe you may have a mental health or substance abuse issue, it can be helpful to talk about it with others. It can be scary to reach out for help, but it is often the first step to helping you heal, grow, and recover. Having a good support system and reaching out to trustworthy people are key elements to live a more meaningful life.
Please contact the agency directly to obtain more information about services and eligibility requirements.
*Directory provided in an email.
The Mental Health and Substance Abuse Directory will provide you with information about agencies in the San Fernando Valley of the greater Los Angeles area that provide mental health services. Some of the agencies provide services for children, adolescents and adults and accept Medi-Cal Insurance. Other agencies do not accept Medi-Cal but have a fee for service sliding scale.
If you have, or believe you may have a mental health or substance abuse issue, it can be helpful to talk about it with others. It can be scary to reach out for help, but it is often the first step to helping you heal, grow, and recover. Having a good support system and reaching out to trustworthy people are key elements to live a more meaningful life.
Please contact the agency directly to obtain more information about services and eligibility requirements.
*Directory provided in an email.
FREE Responding to Children’s Reactions to Disasters
*Guide book provided in an email.