
The Anxious Child

Is your child increasingly anxious? A few ideas can go a long way. Read the article

Why We Parent As We Do

Parenting style comes from many factors that combine in ways that feel instinctual and authentic, but should there be a greater role...
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Children Need Care, Not Cleanliness

What happens when children are separated from their caregivers? Unfortunately, developmental psychologists have had the chance to find out. Read the article

Halloween Candy:

Want to transform a Halloween ritual into teaching your kids about health, nutrition, and generosity? The upside of candy. Read the article

Parenting During the Pandemic

Parenting during COVID-19 is stressful and unprecedented. Try adding some fun, spontaneity, and creativity to your and your child’s day, despite the...
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Does My Child Need Therapy?

Growing numbers of children and teens are experiencing psychological problems. Here’s how to tell it’s time to involve a qualified professional. Read...
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Is Your Adolescent a Risk-Taker?

A new study provides insights about two complementary neural networks—the reward and control systems—and how variations between them affect risk-taking during adolescence....
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Managing Back to School Anxiety

Anxious about back-to-school? Here are some tips to help parents and kids manage their minds during uncertain times. Read the article

Youth and Anxiety

Choosing an identity, a task faced at younger and younger ages, would be challenging enough, but young people must also confront distinct...
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