
Raising Sons in the #MeToo Era

A recent study provides insight into how boys in single-mother households develop gender role agency, democratized gender roles, and expanded masculinity. Read...
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Learning to Let Go

As parents, we spend the majority of our time and energy creating unbreakable bonds with our children as well as a stable...
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Do Tests Stress Out Your Child?

When kids have parental support, emotional awareness and practiced skills of emotional self-regulation, even the most challenging tests can be approached with...
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The Indisputably Best Way to Parent

Cumulative bodies of research make clear our fundamental responsibilities in the course of nurturing our children’s development. Read the article

Coping With Divorce

No matter who you are or who wanted the divorce, you can still feel like your life is upside down. Read the...
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On a Baby’s First Steps

Parents often anticipate that magical moment when their babies take their first steps. Here’s how crawling and walking changes the world for...
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Your Lying Tween

It is not uncommon to note that the number of lies and tall tales your tween tells seems excessive. The reasons why...
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When Children Say #MeToo

There are so many internal and external factors that prevent children from talking about sexual abuse. When they do, our initial reactions...
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Your Teen Is Not You

Despite our best efforts, it’s hard not to conflate our teens with ourselves. Read the article

Let Your Children Lead

Letting kids take the lead when they’re young is important training for parents. Read the article

The Cost of Parental Stress

Parents endorse the idea that child-centered, time-intensive, hands-on parenting is best. But while enrichment is great for kids, it can come at...
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Parenting Precipice

Noticing and observing the lulls of parenthood before a big change. Read the article

When Kids Head for Disaster

Four tips to reinstate your authority and to lead your kids to happiness, responsibility and social engagement. Read the article

What’s My Child Thinking?

Children are not just short adults. They think about things in qualitatively different ways than adults do. These differences can be delightful,...
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Put Your Toys Away!

Listening to and honoring our children aren’t signs of weakness. They’re the surest way to empowerment and happiness… for everyone involved. Read...
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Dear Parents: “No Spanking” Says APA

The movement toward positive parenting is growing. The American Psychological Association officially is against spanking and corporal punishment. Read the article

The Gifted Child with ADHD

ADHD affects the ability to manage life – particularly when situations require sustained effort, consistency and planning. Because of that fact, grades...
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Raising A Child With Grit

Parents often believe a child’s experience of achievement is what facilitates confidence, yet, it is the quality of the parent/child bond that...
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