
Tired Teens

Why bedtimes matter – and how parents can enforce them Read the article

Mindfulness Parenting

In addition to all its benefits for health and well-being, mindfulness can help you respond better to parenting challenges. Here’s a simple...
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Raising a Moral Child

What do you do when your child’s thoughtfulness doesn’t turn out so well? Affirmation and criticism are what’s needed. Read the article

Teen Phone Use 101

Caring, supportive parents assume their teen will sort out how to use their new phone well – and then that phone seems...
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Your Child’s Education

Some of the following ideas are contrary to conventional wisdom, but I feel confident that they’re worth considering because they’re informed by...
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Helping Stressed-Out Teens

Do you have a teen who is struggling? Here are 3 ways to help them deal with stress. Read the article

Post-Traumatic Parenting

Did you experience Adverse Childhood Experiences? You can give your kids a healthy childhood, even if your own wasn’t. Here’s what you...
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Family Dinner

“So, what did you do in school today?” While troubling, such exchanges are more from an earlier era in which family dinner...
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You’re a Kid. Go Play!

Play not only deters boredom and gloom, promoting resilience. It is also catalyzes developing competencies. Read the article

Stress in Children

Is your child a worrier? Learn to distinguish typical worry from anxiety, as well as ways to help your child handle it....
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When Friendships Hurt

Is your daughter struggling with her friendships? Here are a few tips to help your child release the hold of toxic relationships....
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On Raising Confident and Healthy Boys

Raising healthy boys means teaching them to accept, manage, and express emotions, and effectively navigate difficult situations. Read the article

Back to School Anxiety

Bullet-proof backpacks for back-to-school anxiety? Mindfulness practice can help as well. Read the article

Why Chores Are Important For Kids

Reframing chores as responsibilities are invaluable in helping kids feel special. Further, considering helping oneself as a responsibility fosters social emotional learning....
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Parenting Around our Biases

Social media and the constant flow of information have been revolutionary for our world. While continuous access to information has advantages, it...
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Youth Suicide

It’s hard enough for adults to talk about suicide so how do you do this with your own children? If you talk...
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